Effective Home Remedies for Vomiting in Kids

Vomiting isn’t a serious problem at all times. Usually, it is due to food poisoning or motion sickness. If your child is vomiting frequently then it is something to worry about. Instead of going for medicines, you must try some home remedies to cure them.

Increase fluid intake because vomits make them dehydrated and tired. It is very important that the fluid level in their body is replenished. Make them sip drinks and juices slowly so they do not throw up again. Do not give any solid food to kids for up to 12 hours until the vomit stops. Give them light vegetable soup or broth for energy.

Try ginger juice and honey because ginger works well for nausea and stops vomiting. Give the ginger juice mixed with honey drops two or three times a day. It will enhance their digestion process too.


Fresh mint is very helpful in case of vomits and nausea. Mix fresh mint leaves with lemon juice and add honey drops to enhance the taste. You can also give fresh mint leaves to the kids so they can chew.

Rice water cures vomiting caused by gastritis. Boil a cup of rice and once the rice is half boiled, remove excess water and make your child drink the rice water to stop vomiting.

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that prevent nausea and vomiting. It calms the stomach and detoxifies as well. Add vinegar in a glass of water with honey drops and make your child drink it throughout the day.

Cardamom seeds have calming effect on tummy and can ease their nausea and vomits. Grind the seeds and add sugar for the taste and give them to your child. It will ease their tummy.

Fennel seeds calm the digestive tract and the antimicrobial properties in fennel seeds prevent child from nausea and vomit. Boil the fennel seeds for around ten minutes, strain them and give it your child three to four times a day.

Lavender oil makes your child feel fresh. The aroma of the oil cures the headache caused by nausea and will help them sleep peacefully. You can also pour a few lavender oil drops on your child’s pillow to give them a soothing effect throughout the night. 

These home remedies will help you cure your child immediately and if that doesn’t help then you must seek medical assistance. 

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