Winter Weather Tips for New Parents: Baby’s First Winter

It’s cold outside and you want to keep your little one safe from the cold weather?

Winter is coming and its time when we want to stay cooped up inside our homes. If you are a new mom, it might be a bit crazy for you to deal with your little one in the colder months. A pediatrician from New York Erika Landau says, “Babies and new parents need fresh air. Unless it is dangerously cold outside, it is really helpful for the infants to get used to the seasons and the day-night cycle, also it calms the fussy baby too.”

New parents must follow the safety precautions. Once the temperature gets below freezing you shouldn’t take the baby out unless you are taking the trip to the car. Newborn babies and infants do not have the ability to self regulate the temperature.  Limiting exposure to cold elements is recommended and save their play in the snow when kids are older. Infants tend to lose heat faster than adults; hence they are unable to cope up with the cold. Small babies do not have the body fat which can increase the heat by shivering to get warmed up.

"Infants lose heat faster than adults and the younger their age, the less able they are to cope with Baltimore "Small babies lack the ability to increase the heat by shivering and don't have the body fat needed to warm back up once they get cold."

Here are some tips which can help you keep the baby warm:

Dress your baby in layers:

Dress your baby in layers to adjust her needs. The bottom layer can be snug just like a bodysuit or leggings. Moreover, you can put another layer of a long sleeve shirt and pant. Finish up the layering with a jacket, hat, mittens, and warm booties to keep the hands and feet warm. Make sure that the fabric is breathable like cotton or muslin.

Keep the indoor temperature right:

Too much indoor heat can be a problem too so make sure that the temperature inside the house is normal. Indoor heating has low humidity and due to lack of moisturizer in the air, it can cause dryness to baby’s sensitive skin. Keep the temperature cool during the day and when your baby is sleeping you can set the thermostat to lower degree. Make sure the baby is wearing a sleeper or sleep sack with a wearable blanket to keep her warm and comfortable during the night.

Avoid dry skin:

Cold temperature, low humidity and re-circulated air can cause dryness and itchiness to the skin. Water, however, dries out the babies and babies don’t need to be washed daily. Make sure you don’t soak the baby for too long in the water and always use luke warm water. Don’t forget to use a good moisturizer after the bath and apply them as many times as required.

Look out for warnings:

If your baby is shivering or has cold hand, face and feet or have turned red, pale and hard-you must bring them inside straight away. Rubbing the cold area won’t re-warm the skin but damages the cold skin. Instead, use warm cloth to re-heat the skin gently and if the condition doesn’t improve, you must take the baby to the doctor. Other signs for intense cold could be lethargy, blue lips or face and non-responsiveness.

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